No matter if you are looking for Amorphus Ribbon, Nonoparticles, Superhard Materials or any other Nanoscale or Amorphus product, we have a vast selection available to fit your needs. We carry all tpes of Nanopowders. See our listing of categories below.
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You can also search our product catalogue, using our search page, or by simply using the search box that is found in the upper right-hand corner of every page on our website. Just type in the name of the item that you are looking for, e.g., search for SiO2 or Silicon Oxide. If you have a stock number, e.g., 4850MR, simply type it in and that specific product will come up.
Common Abbreviations
You may encounter some abbreviations on our website's product description pages, such as:
APS: average particle size
CNTs: carbon nanotubes
CVD: chemical vapor deposition
DWNTs: double-walled carbon nanotubes
ID: inner diameter
L: length
MWNTs: multi-walled carbon nanotubes
OD: outer diameter
REO: rare earth oxides (content of specific rare earth element in comparison to the total amount of rare earths present)
SSA: specific surface area
SWNTs: single-walled carbon nanotubes
TEM: transmission electron microscopy
UN: hazardous materials transportation identification number
WT: wall thickness
XRD: x-ray diffraction
Note that the APS is determined by laser scattering, SSA, TEM and XRD, and that nanopowders and nanotubes should be well dispersed for certain applications. Most of our nanopowders and short nanotubes are dispersible. For large, industrial-quantity orders, these products can be dispersed upon request.